Thursday, November 20, 2008

Elated Beyond Words!


I'm elated beyond words!! Alhamdulillah!!

Most of my wedding preparations are more or less settled. Alhamdulillah!!!!

We managed to get the kompang group from Madrasah Aljunied and it's at an affordable price. Heh...affordable. :] Alhamdulillah!

My wonderful aunty volunteered to bake a multi-layered wedding cake for my wedding. Alhamdulillah!

My honeymoon trip is more or less settled. Though I was kind of sad that the initial plan didn't work out, I'm glad that Allah has a better plan for us, insha'Allah. So thousands of Alhamdulillah for that!

Through lyna da DIVA.... I managed to get a mak andam for my Sunday majlis. Alhamdulillah!

And insha'Allah I'm able to rent a videocamera from her brother. Alhamdulillah! Now the question is; on which days should I rent the videocam. On all 3 days??

Next, I've to ask my uncle who volunteered to take side photos for me to help videocam my wedding instead.

Preparing for a wedding is no joke. Especially if you're surrounded by family members who want to make it a grand affair despite your protest. You might think that it's your wedding but suddenly, it becomes EVERYBODY'S wedding day. What you say doesn't matter anymore. Cause your 'wonderful' culture will drown your voice anytime.........

May Allah forgive our sins and guide us all to the right path.

Surat [Al-Isra, 27], Allah says: “Verily, the spendthrifts are brothers of the Shayatin (devils), and the Shaitan (Devil) is ever ungrateful to his Lord.”

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Great Ambivalence


I've been neglecting my blog for far too long. Loads of hari-raya pics to upload, book reviews to write about and inner thoughts and feelings to pen down.

Since the wedding is nearing, my thoughts have been preoccupied with just IT. As it is nearing, I keep wishing that time will move slower so that I can enjoy my remaining days of singlehood and slowly prepare myself for what is to come in the future. But on the otherhand, I do want to get married fast and settle down with him so that we can start doing things together for the future. Great excitement and apprehension mingled within me.

All I can do is just pray for the best!!